Friday, August 29, 2008

The Balancing Act Show 856

Women in the Olympics Discussion - A topical segment highlighting some of the most influential women in the history of the Olympics

Get Out There & Vote Editorial - Kathy encourages people to research candidates & sign up to vote in the 2008 upcoming presidential elections.

Curtis Stone Interview, Organic Foods - Celebrity chef, Curtis Stone takes us through a NYC organic market & shows us recipes to use organic chocolate.

SpongeTech - Car 2 - Tips on how you can help save water as you wash your car

Scott Cole SMT, Outdoor Fitness - Scott Cole, fitness trainer to the stars and the disabled, continues to lift spirits, open minds, tone bodies and inspire hearts through his motivational appearances. His appearance here today is designed to inspire families to work out at their closest National Park and recommends some exercises to do there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Balancing Act Show 855

Living Essential - This segment examines the popularity of energy drinks and takes a look at an energy drink with some health benefits.

Edelman - Nissan Rogue - With school back in session, the Nissan Rogue is the perfect solution for busy moms on the go.

Tom Marquardt "Making Good Money in Bad Times" - In times of recession, business analyst Tom Marquardt, discusses how you can make money and re-direct your career no matter how hard it gets…

Mika Hilaire - Getting a Raise - Advice on getting a raise at work.

Doug Riley "Explosive Children" - Doug Riley, Author of "The Defiant Child" and "What Your Explosive Child Is Trying To Tell You" has discovered the pathway from symptoms to solutions. He connects explosive behavior in children with the underlying cause to help desperate parents.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Balancing Act Show 854

Lynne Pittard - This segment is about an oil painter who realized her dream of launching her own TV network, called the Visual Arts Network.

Lucy Puryear MD "Expecting" - Reassuring, expert advice on how to deal with normal fears, postpartum depression & how to make decisions about necessary medications during pregnancy.

SunBrite TV - The Balancing Act reviews SunBrite TV’s high definition all-weather resistant outdoor entertainment models.

Spongetech - Pet 1 - How to curb your dog's destructive behavior, Part 1

New World Pasta - Lucille Beseler, President of the Florida Diabetic Association demonstrates wholesome recipes and tips on how to prepare Ronzoni Smart Taste pasta.

The Balancing Act Show 853

Ivy Larson - Lifestyle Makeover Introduction - Co-Author of "The Gold Coast Cure" book series, Ivy Larson, previews upcoming segments where viewers can shape up their pantries and their bodies in 10 weeks.

Kathy Peterson, Organizational Tips

Donna Hamilton, Microsoft Mom - Donna Hamilton, inspiring woman, working mom & Sr. Communications Manager for Microsoft and award-winning employee, explains her rise to success and how she balances her life. “I think that when everyone goes into their lives every day thinking about how fortunate they are, it changes your perspective on things. The byproduct of that is success.”

John Eckenwiler - Relationships - Author & counselor John Eckenwiler discusses his book, "Shatterproof Your Marriage" & the 3 key elements to marital success.

Michelle Bernstein, Chef - From Ballerina to Top Chef… Meet Michelle Bernstein.

The Balancing Act Show 852

The National Peanut Board - An Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer & the President and Managing Director of the National Peanut Board talk about the benefits of one of America’s favorite foods – peanut butter, and other peanut-oriented recipes.

Flowers Foods - It’s back to school time! Pack a Whitewheat sandwich into your children’s lunchboxes! It has the taste and texture of traditional white bread and all the nutritional value of whole wheat bread…Your kids won’t even notice!

Scientific Learning Corp. - Reading is one of the most critical and often challenging subject’s a child must learn in life. Through the study of Neuroplasticity, Scientific Learning, a company revolutionizing education, has designed a series of learning intervention programs, designed to help improve your children’s reading comprehension skills.

VNUS Medical Technologies - Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic issue, but a medical condition. In this segment find out more information about Varicose vein treatment and prevention.

Red Wine for the Heart - Discussion w/ Nutrition expert, Dr. Janet Brill, about the associated benefits of wine and heart health...

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Balancing Act Show 851

VNUS Medical Technologies - Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic issue, but a medical condition. In this segment find out more information about Varicose vein treatment and prevention. - CarMD is like having a mechanic in your glovebox. If your engine light is on, this award-winning device enables you to quickly & easily diagnose the problem yourself & get an estimate online or through a toll-free number on the cost to fix it.

Ralcorp Holdings Revised Vers.- The Balancing Act Power Team Review RyKrisp Crackers

SpongeTech - Pet Sponge - "Uncle Norman’s 2 Pack Pet Sponge Kit” is a simple 2 step process for bathing & drying your loved pet. This segment shows the Pet Sponge’s value in providing high-multiple usages for the pet bath, unique massage bumps on the sponge, and chamois drying towel which comes in the kit by going to a local animal shelter and getting reactions from vet techs there.

Flowers Foods - It’s back to school time! Pack a Whitewheat sandwich into your children’s lunchboxes! It has the taste and texture of traditional white bread and all the nutritional value of whole wheat bread…Your kids won’t even notice!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Balancing Act Show 850

Is Direct Sales for You? - According to the Direct Selling Association, more than 14 million people in the United States are doing direct sales from home. In this segment Danielle Knox and Kathy Peterson discuss home based career opportunities…

Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating - Seattle Sutton, a registered nurse who has dedicated her professional life to helping other people eat healthy and lose weight, talks about her healthy, meal-delivery company.

Creative Tablescapes - Kathy Peterson

Brooke Bennett - Gold Medal Winner - American Olympic 3-time Gold Medal swimmer, Brooke Bennett talks about how she got into competitive swimming, current accomplishments, and how she balances her life between motivating others to succeed and being a successful athlete and business woman in her own right.

New World Pasta - Chef Kelly Sheehan shares wholesome recipes and cooking tips for a Ronzoni pasta product called Healthy Harvest.

The Balancing Act Show 849

RFC&P/St. Maarten Tourism Bureau - This segment highlights how the Caribbean island of St. Maarten has changed for the better in the past 5 years with a brand new airport designed for travelers, cultural diversity, over 400 restaurants, 14 casinos, major hotel chains, duty-free shopping and 37 beautiful white-sand beaches.

Sue Scheff "Wit's End" - Wit’s End; Advice and Resources for Saving Your Out-of-Control Teen, by Sue Scheff, is an indispensable guide for parents who want to be active and empowered participants in their child’s therapy.

Dr. Janet Brill - Eating Well - Dr. Janet Brill, offers nutrition tips on eating healthy eating while you are on-the-go…

Aphrodisiac Cuisine - Is there fire in your bedroom? Can food help you enhance your love life? Well, for centuries it’s believed to do so… Aphrodisiac cuisine; dated back to at least 5,000 years in history is said to sizzle couples sexual appetite.

The Balancing Act Show 848

Project Home with Kathy Peterson - Through the art of crafting, Project HOME empowers kids to sew, craft, decorate and more to help them gain confidence and income.

Women of - Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program inspires, motivates and empowers young women to live up to their full potential through mentoring by highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities.

Bistro MD - This segment demonstrates how losing weight is convenient and affordable with delicious meals from Bistro M.D.

Living Essentials - This segment examines the popularity of energy drinks and takes a look at an energy drink with some health benefits.

Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau- This segment talks about the nation’s 9th largest city, Dallas, and how all the new developments in the city are making it more exciting, diverse & friendly than ever before. The whole “new” vibrant Dallas offers new entertainment districts, dining, shopping, hotels, arts & cultural attraction with more on the way.

The Balancing Act Show 847

Yvonne S. Boice - Yvonne is an award-winning humanitarian and chairwoman of many national organizations who discusses women's topics, specifically how women can become successful entrepreneurs. She tells her story and motivates viewers to address some key issues to achieve thier goals in life and on the job.

Lorri & Taryn Benson - How a mother and daughter unraveled the truth, lies and realities of an eating disorder.

EGC Group for Brothers Intl. - June Mellinger explains the Brother PR-620 embroidery machine, its capabilities, specifically how it can be used to create different garments that can provide the opportunity for one to start their own embroidery business from home. June demonstrates the machine, suggests project ideas & shows us finished samples.

LoveSac Alternative Furniture - Sactionals, the evolution of LoveSac, is the only extremely modular, washable, changeable furniture that is both extremely stylish and practical.